conserve_waterWelcome to

Our goal is to share information, tips and products that can help you conserve water inside & outside your home.

Water is one of the most precious natural resources we have; second only to air. If you live in a drought area or area where clean water is limited you know how precious water can be. As individuals we are not in full control of the water use away from our houses. But, at home we have much more control and and can make changes in habits and products used to limit the water use while still maximizing the benefits of the water we have available to us.


The average American household uses 100 gallons of water per person per day, that’s 36,500 gallons of water per person per year. This is direct in home water usage, it doesn’t take into account the water used to produce the food & other products we consume every day.Water is used in many aspects of daily life. Below is a water use list broken down by region of the home.

Home Water Use Areas

Laundry Room

Info Source: EPA

Indoor Water Saving Tips

Outdoor Water Saving Tips